The Injector has been indexed in the EBSCO database (Central and Eastern European Academic Resource and Biomedical Index) since February 1, 2023.
Name of the Journal: The Injector
Abbreviation: The Injector
e-ISSN: 2822-4272
Field: General Medicine
Publication Frequency: Three annually
Start: 2022
Publisher: Mustafa Şahin, MD, Assoc. Prof.
Editor in Chief: Mustafa Şahin, MD, Assoc. Prof.
Indexed and abstracted in: Index Copernicus International, Open AIRE, Türk Medline, BASE, EuroPub, ReseachBib, DataCite, SJIF, Root Indexing, CiteFactor, DRJI, ESJI, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Google Scholar, Internet Archive, The Road Index, EBSCO (Central and Eastern European Academic Resource and Biomedical Index)
Publication Fee: No
Web address: http://injectormedicaljournal.com
e-mail: info@injectormedicaljournal.com
The Injector has been indexed in the EBSCO database (Central and Eastern European Academic Resource and Biomedical Index) since February 1, 2023.
XVIII. Medical Biology and Genetics Congress
Dr. Mustafa ŞAHİN, Hitit University Erol Olçok Training and Research Hospital, Çorum/Turkey
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