CAS (The American Chemical Society)- A new database acceptance
The Injector was accepted to the CAS (The American Chemical Society) databases.
The Injector is a refereed, open access and periodical publication. The articles published according to the journal’s writing rules are accepted through the international systems. All issues can be accessed free of charge at web page for free. Our purpose is to provide high-quality scientific articles for diseases’ diagnosis and treatment having appropriate innovations internationally. It is a scientific medical journal published three times (April, August, December) a year. The articles coming as a refereed journal are primarily evaluated in terms of common rules conformity with the standard requirements defined by the Committee of International Medical Journal Editors (accessing in biomedical articles. You can access all of the articles published in our journal electronically, read and download from our web site ( Our goal is to make sure that your colleagues send the decision and publishing process of publications that we send to you in the shortest possible time. We would like to emphasize that we are always open to suggestions and constructive criticisms to raise the quality of our publication, and that we will show the necessary sensitivity to the statements in this regard. The name of the journal as The Injector will be used in the article operating system and citations.
The Injector is a scientific, internationally refereed journal that publishes retrospective / prospective clinical and laboratory studies, interesting case presentations, invited collections, editorial letters, original articles, reviews, meta-analysis, short reports and surgical technical articles about every field of medicine. The language of the journal is only English. Articles are accepted in only English. Sent for evaluation to be published or published articles in another journal or not written in accordance with the journal’s rules are not accepted for evaluation. The editor, co-editor and publisher do not take any responsibility for the articles published in the journal.
Article General Writing Rules
All scientific responsibility of the manuscripts belongs to the author (s). The editor, co-editor and publisher do not accept any responsibility for the articles published in the journal.
Editorial Pre-Control Evaluation
Manuscripts sent to the journal are evaluated in terms of format and plagiarism. Manuscripts that do not conform to the format are sent back to the author responsible for evaluation. Spelling rules should be reviewed to avoid such a waste of time. All manuscripts submitted for publication are evaluated by two or more domestic / foreign referees. The evaluation of the articles is made considering the scientific importance and originality. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication can be rearranged by the editorial board without informing the authors. After the article is submitted to the journal or accepted for publication, the order of names cannot be changed, author name cannot be added or removed.
Article is Not Published Else
Each author should indicate to the editor on the presentation page that part or all of the manuscript is not published elsewhere and is not in the process of being evaluated in another journal at the same time. Oral or poster presentations presented at congresses should be indicated on the title page with the name of the congress, place and date. All responsibility for the articles published in the journal (ethics, scientific, legal, etc.) belongs to the authors.
Copyright Transfer Form
Copyright Transfer Form ( can be obtained from the link. According to the 1976 Copyright Act, all kinds of publication rights of articles accepted for publication belong to the publisher.
Writing Language Control
The publication language of the journal is English, and the articles are accepted in only English. English articles and English Abstract should be checked by a professional linguist before being submitted. The spelling and grammatical errors in the manuscript are corrected by our English language consultant and editorial committee.
Statistics Evaluation
All prospective, experimental and retrospective research articles should be evaluated in terms of statistics (if required by the statistical expert) and indicated by appropriate planning, analysis and reporting.
Acceptance of Publishing
After the approval of the editors and referees, the publication date of the article is taken into consideration. A DOI number is obtained for each post.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
The Injector was accepted to the CAS (The American Chemical Society) databases.
The Injector has been deemed worthy of 87.72 points (ICV-2023).
Dr. Mustafa ŞAHİN, Hitit University Erol Olçok Training and Research Hospital, Çorum/Turkey
The journal is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
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