Investigation of the chronic pelvic pain developing after bening and malignant caused hysterectomy surgery

Post-hysterectomy chronic pelvic pain




Hysterectomy, chronic pelvic pain, surgery


Objective: Chronic pelvic pain is a condition that typically persists for a minimum of three to six months and is not associated with pregnancy. However, it is not an organic pathology or laboratory abnormality. This study aimed to evaluate the development of chronic pelvic pain in individuals who underwent hysterectomy for benign and malignant indications, and to examine the correlation between pain scores and the development of depression.

Methods: A survey method was used in this study, which was conducted on 163 hysterectomized patients at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine. Patients were categorized according to benign and malignant causes. The Visual Analog Scale was used for pelvic pain, and the Short Beck depression inventory was used for pain-related depression.

Results: A total of 163 patients were examined in terms of indication, of whom 52 (31.9%) were operated on for benign reasons and 111 (68.1%) for malignant reasons. No significant difference was observed in pain levels at the third and ninth months, irrespective of the indication. (p<0.05). However, there was a significant difference in pain levels in the third month depending on the age of the patients (p<0.05). In total, the pain levels of patients aged 45 and under in the third month are lower than those of patients over 45 years of age. Pain scores in the benign and malignant groups were higher in the ninth month, but it was determined that there was no significant difference in pain scores between these two groups. Beck depression levels were evaluated at the 3rd and 9th months in relation to pain across different ages, with and without comorbidities, and for pain associated with various indications. No significant differences were observed among these groups (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Each patient should receive personalized care, including a thorough evaluation of their complete pain constellation and a careful assessment of potential diagnoses. Evaluations should also consider the individual's surgical, psychological, and medical conditions.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, B. G., Mazloomyar, H. Şule . . ., Bilgi, A. . ., Uçar, M. G. . ., & Çelik, Çetin . (2024). Investigation of the chronic pelvic pain developing after bening and malignant caused hysterectomy surgery: Post-hysterectomy chronic pelvic pain. The Injector, 3(3), 92–97.



Original Article