Evaluation of iron deficiency anemia in preterm and low birth weight infants
Anemia in infants
Anemia, exclusive breastfeeding, infant, iron deficiency, low birth weight, pretermAbstract
Objective: Anemia affects 571 million women of reproductive age and 269 million children under the age of five, constituting a significant global public health concern. In line with the WHO/UNICEF 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, it is aimed to reduce the prevalence of anemia worldwide, especially in women of reproductive age and children, by 15% in 2025. This study evaluated preterm and low-birth-weight infants for iron deficiency anemia.
Methods: This study included preterm and low-birth-weight infants followed in our clinic between 2020 and 2022 (24 months). It was a retrospective cohort study. Complete blood count results obtained at the time of birth and/or during hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit were evaluated. Complete blood count, ferritin, and iron values routinely measured in the outpatient clinic at 12-month control appointments were also evaluated.
Results: We followed 203 cases between 1 January 2020 and 1 January 2022. While 50.2% (n=102) of the patients were male, 49.8% (n=101) were female and the cases included 12 twins (5.9%). Data analysis revealed that 6.4% of the infants were extremely early preterm (n=13), 19.7% were very early preterm (n=40), 18.7% were moderately preterm (n=38), and 55.1% were late preterm (n=112). Furthermore, 69.4% had low birth weight (n=141), 63% had very low birth weight (n=128), and 6.4% had extremely low birth weight (n=13). When hemoglobin values were compared between infants given and not given iron prophylaxis, statistical significance was found in terms of anemia (p=0.04).
Conclusion: To prevent anemia in preterm and low-birth-weight children, iron prophylaxis should be started in the early period. Families should be informed about immunization, nutrition, and follow-up. It is important to intervene when anemia develops with close cooperation among neonatologists, pediatricians, and family physicians.
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