Importance of Candida species isolated from blood culture: Distribution, antifungal susceptibility, mortality
Candida infections
Antifungal resistance, candidemia, invasive candidiasis, non albicans CandidaAbstract
Objective: Candidemia is a bloodstream infection arising from Candida species that is difficult to diagnose and treatment. Despite advancements in antifungal therapy, candidemia still causes high-mortality rates, prolonged hospital stays and increased healthcare costs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Candida species distribution, antifungal susceptibility, and mortality rate of isolates from candidemia patients in a tertiary city hospital.
Methods: We designed a retrospective observational study of hospitalized patients with candidemia. Data were collected from the medical records of 39 patients with positive blood culture candidemia cases between November 2018 and February 2020 at a city hospital.
Results: Candida albicans was the predominant species (n=17; 43.6%) followed by the Candida glabrata complex (n=13; 33.3%), Candida parapsilosis complex (n=8; 20.5%), and Candida kefyr (n=1; 2.6%). The C. glabrata complex was the predominant species among the NAC. All Candida isolates were susceptible to fluconazole, voriconazole and amphotericin B. Overall, the level of antifungal resistance was low. C. albicans, C. parapsilosis complex and C. kefyr isolates did not show resistance. The mortality rate attributed to all cases within 30 days after candidemia was found to be higher in NAC: C. glabrata complex (84.6%), C. parapsilosis complex (75.0%). and C. kefyr (100.0%). The mortality rate of the 39 patients was 69.2%.
Conclusion: Candidemia is an emerging problem in developing countries and is a significant source of mortality, morbidity, and likely high costs associated with care in hospitalized patients in Turkey.
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